Email abbreviations/Acronyms everyone should know / ሁሉም ሰው ሊያውቃቸው የሚገባ የኢሜይል ምህጻረ ቃሎች

Email abbreviations/Acronyms everyone should know  It is recommended to use known abbreviations/acronyms when writing emails, so that the reader will not be overwhelmed by a long text in the email body, if we have too many text message in the email body, the reader may also ignore it.

Here the most common abbreviations that are being used in email communications    

 ኢሜይል የምንጽፍለትን ሰው አላስፈላጊ ረጅም ጽሁፍ ላለማጨናነቅ ወይም የምንልከው መልእት አጠር ያለ ና አንባቢውን እንዳያ ሰለች ዋና ዋና የኢሜይል ምህጻረ ቃላትን መጠቀም ይመከራል ፡ የሚከተሉት በዋናነት የሚጠቀሱ ምህጻረቃላት ናቸው ። አንዳንዶቹ በስራ ቦታምበመደበኛ የመልእክት ልልውጥ የምንጠቀምባቸው ሲሆኑ የተቀሩት ና አብዛኞቹ መደበኛ ባል ሆነ የመልእክት ልውውጥ informal communicationእንጠቀም ባቸዋለን።

ተመሳሳይ ምህጻረ ቃላትሌላቦታም ሊያጋጥሟችሁ ይችላሉ ፡ እዚያ ሌላ ትርጉም ሊኖረው ይችላል ዛሬ የምናየው ኢሜይል ልልውጥ ላይ ያለውን ትርጉም ብቻ ነው

1. EOM /End of Message

This is usually used to indicated the end of the message / የኢሜይል መልእክቱ ማብቃቱን ለማሳየት እንጠቀምበታለን ፤ ይህ ቡዙጊዜ የሚያጋጥመን informal / መደበኛ ያልሆነ የኢሜይል ልውውጥ ላይ ነው the sender can simply send an email with only subject line of few texts ending with EOM ይህን የምናገኘው በኢሜይሉ ርዕስ ወይም ጉዳይ ላይ ሲሆን ፡ ይህ ማለት የኢሜይሉ መልእክት ይሄ ብቻ ነው።

e.g. "Dereje will be there at 4:30PM. Thanks! EOM"

e.g. "Let's meet in Room 408 at 3pm 8/21/08 EOM"

 So when we see this in the subject line, it’s enough we don’t need to open the email body


2. NRN (No reply Necessary/No Reply Needed) or NNTR/No Need to Respond

This is used to indicate that no reply is necessary after you have sent an email to someone.

This also prevent the sender from being overwhelmed by too many reply emails, especially if you are sending too many receivers.

So, if peoples know this acronym, they will not send reply unnecessarily.

ይህ ምህጻረቃል ላኪው ለላከው ኢሜይል ምላሽ እንደማይፈልግ ወይም የመልእክት ተቀባዮ መልስ እንዳይጽፍ ለማሳየት የሚረዳ ነው።

ስለዚህ በተላከላችሁ ኢሜይል ላይ ይህንን ቃል(NRN or NNTR ) ካያችሁ ከአሁን በኋላ መልስ አትልኩም ማለት ነው ።

ይህንን አንዳንድ ጊዜ ሲስተም ቀጥታ የሚልከው ኢሜይል ላይ እናገኘዋለን።

E.g. this is a system generated email, NRN

3. LET (Leaving Early Today)


This lets coworkers to know that the sender is leaving earlier than usual, so they don’t miss you if in case they need you.


ይህን የምን ልከው አብረውን ለሚሰሩ ባልደረቦቻችን ዛሬ ቀደም ብለን  ከስራ እንደምንወጣ ለማሳወቅ ነው ፤ ወይም ደግሞ በተላከልን መልእክት ላይ ካየነው ልንረዳው ይገባል።


መልእክቱ LET የሚለው ቃል ብቻ ሊሆን ይችላል።


4. OOO / Out of Office

This indicates that the sender is out of office, it can be used in a corporate email. This is used in an auto reply message.

ይህ ሊያጋጥመን የሚችለው ከስራ ጋር በተያያዘ የመልእክት ልውውጥ ሲሆን ፡ መልክት ተቀባዩ በስራ ላይ ካል ሆነ OOO ብሎ በኣውቶማቲክ ምላሽ ይልካል ፡ ማለትም ከቢሮ ውጪ ነኝ ማለት ነው።

E.g. Thanks for your email I will be OOO until Friday


5. BCC/Blind Carbon Copy

Allows the sender of a message to conceal/hide the person entered in the Bcc field from the other recipients. This can be due to privacy or security reason.

Like CC, BCC is a way of sending copies of an email to other people, but in BCC, the receiver will not see that someone has been sent a copy of this email.

ይሄ ኢሜይል መልእክት ስንልክ ለምንፈልጋቸው ሰዎች በግልባጭ እንዲደርሳቸው ነገር ግን በዋና ነት የተላከለት ሰው (To) የሚለውላይ ያስገባነው ሰው እነ ማን ግልባጭ እንደደረሳቸው እንዳያይ ስንፈልግ እንጠቀምበታለን።


6. PRB (Please Reply By) or RB/reply by


If you see this in the email sent to you, it means that you are being requested to reply by certain time and date.  Avoids late responses for time-sensitive requests


Indicates that the sender needs a reply within the indicated deadline


ይህን ቃል በተላከልን ኢሜይል ላይ ካገኘ ነው ፡ ለተላከልን መልእክት በተወሰነው ቀን ና ሰዓት ምላሽ መስጠት እንዳለብን መረዳት ኣለብን።


E.g. RB+7 meaning Reply by one week

E.g. Let me know your concern PRB 6:00PM today.

 7. PYR (Per Your Request)

This is to indicate that you have successfully completed someone’s request

ይህን የምናገኘው እኛ በምንልከው መልእክት ሌላ ሰው የጠቀነን ሰራ በጠየው መሰረት መሰራቱን ልንገልጽ እጠቀምበታለን ወይም የጠየቅነው ስራ ካለ ና በጥያቂያችን መሰረት መሰራቱን ለመግለጽ ይህንቃል ሊጠቀሙ ይችላሉ።

8. WFH (Working from home)

Notifies coworkers you’re working remotely that day and you will not come to office. Can be used in the subject line or body of the email.

WFH በመልእክቱ ርእሰ ጉዳይ ላይ/subject line ወይም በዋናው መልእክት መጻፊያቦታላይ ሊገባ ይችላል።

E.g. I will be WFH today and tomorrow

9. TL; DR (Too Long did not read)

If the email message is too long and you don’t want to read all, this is used to signify the presence of and location of a short summary. It will be used as a label and the message following it is a summary message.

ይህን የምንጠቀመው መልእክቱ በጣም ረጅም ከሆነ ና ሁሉንም ማንበብ ካልፈለግን ፤ ጠቅለል ያለው መልዕክት መኖሩን ና የቱጋ እንዳለ ይጠቁመናል።

መልእክት ላኪው የሚያስገባው ነው።

በፎርማል/መደበኛ የኢሜይል ልውውጥ ላይ ብዙ አልተለመደም።

You can often see this acronym in comments on social media. However, it can also be used in informal emails.

10. TLTR (Too Long To Read)

Used in some corporate emails to request that the email sender re-writes the email body shorter. This is a reply message from the receiver i.e. the receiver reply back with TLTR so that the mail will be sent back shortened.

ይህን በመደበኛ የስራ ላይ የኢሜይል ልውውጦችም ልናገኘው እንችላለን፤ የሚመጣውም ከመልእክት ተቀባዮ በምላሽነት ሲሆን ላኪው መልዕክቱን አሳጥሮ እንደገና እንዲልከው ይጠይቃል

E.g. TLTR. Can you summarize what you need

11. FAO (For the Attention of)

This used to specific recipient in a group email communication,

Example:  FAO: Abebe, Finance Department.

12. FYA / For Your Action / For your Attention

This is used in a corporate email communication for work related issues, the recipient is informed that he or she assigned a task.

ለስራ ጉዳይ የምንጠቀምበት ሲሆን የመልእክት ተቀባዮ የሚያከናው ተግባር እንደተሰጠው የሚገልጽ ነው።

13.  FYI / For your Information

The receiver is informed that it is just for information, you do not have to reply

ይህን መልዕክት የተቀበለ ሰው መረጃ እንዲኖረው የሚገልጽ ነው / እወቀው ማለት ነው።

14. FYFG / FYG (For your future guidance / for your guidance)

This is used in corporate email, usually used at the beginning of the subject where management wants to inform personnel about a new procedure they should follow

ይህ ብዙ ጊዜ የሚያጋጥመን የስራ ሀላፊዎች ለሰራተኞቻቸው አዳዲስ የስራ ሂደቶች ወይም መመሪዎችን ማስተላለፍ ሲፈልጉ በኢሜይሉ ርዕስ መጀመርያ ላይ ሰፈሮ ነው።

 15. NIM / No internal message or SIM (Subject is message) or SSIA (Subject says it all)

This has similar meaning with EOM, it indicates the Entire message is contained in the subject line.

16. NNTO/No need to open

The recipient is informed that he/she does not need to open the email; necessary information is in the Subject line.


17. NYRT / Need your response today

This indicates that this email needs the recipient to respond today / the same working day

18. NYRQ / need your response quick

This requires the receiver to respond immediately

19. PFA / Please find the attached or UDA (urgent document attached)

Used in corporate emails to indicate that a document or set of documents is attached for the reference.

አባሪ ከኢሜይሉ ጋር አብሮ መያያዙን ለመግለጽ የሚገባ ነው።

20. VSRE / Very short reply expected

It is a way for you to indicate to the recipients of your email that they have to reply with a short reply.

VSRE በተላከልን ኢሜይል ላይ ካየን ላኪው በጣም አጭር መልስ ይፈልጋል ማለት ነው።

Reply usually be one to five words like Yes, No, or Tuesday, or Pls send more info etc.

21. EOD / End of day or EOW/ End of week

Used to designate the time by which something must be completed or done.

የቀኑ የስራ ሰዓት ሳያልቅ(EOD) ወይም የሳምንቱ የስራ ቀን ሳይጠናቀቅ (EOW)  የምናከናውነው አልላያም ከሌላ ሰው የምንጠብቀው መልእክት/ስራ መኖሩን ያሳያል።

     e.g. I will send the you the document by tomorrow EOD


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