How to add Social Media Icons to YouTube Banner

YouTube banner/ YouTube Channel art allows you to brand your channel’s identity and give it a unique look and feel. Once you have designed your channel art and displayed it on your channel, you can also add social media icons to your banner, this will help your viewers also to connect with you using social media and also increases your presence on social media, furthermore, it give you a chance to increase views as well as subscribers.

N.B : You cannot change channel art from mobile devices you need to login from computer.

 To add, Social media Icons to YouTube banner, follow the following steps:

 1. Make sure you are logged in to your channel, if not login to your channel

2. Then click on your logo on the top right, then click your channel  



 3. Click on customize your channel,



4. Once you click on customize channel, you will be presented with your channel art or Banner, then hover on the banner image i.e. move your mouse pointer to the banner image, the you will see a pencil Icon, click on it and then Click on Edit Links as shown below.



  5. Finally, from the page that appears when you click on Edit Links, scroll down and under Links, Select the number of Links you want on your channel banner, you are allowed a maximum of five links. Click Add and type the Link Name and URL as shown below.


6. After you finished the above steps, click on Home and check if it appears on the banner.


Here is it.



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