Alert Logs in Oracle

what are alert log files in oracle?

Is a chronological log of messages and errors written out by an Oracle Database
Typical messages found in this file is:
  • Database startup, shutdown
  •  Log switches, all ORA errors,
  •  Alter system command,  
  •  DB structure changes like renaming,
  • Adding log files , archive generation info. etc.
Alert log file contains error message only in brief, but it will point to a file which will have more information about the error i.e. trace file.

Location of Alert Log

 There are different ways to get location of alert log files:
    • The default location for oracle alert log file is $ORACLE_BASE/diag directory
   2. Dynamic Performance View v$diag_info
         • Select name , value from v$diag_info;
 3. Oracle database parameter background_dump_dest

                4.   ADRCI / Automatic Automatic diagnostic repository command interpreter

Thanks , Dereje Balcha


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